Advantages For the bussiness
What the owner gains by using the
Perfect eclass platform.
You create the accounts of the users and the eclasses,having access to the statistics of each class so that you can control the users’ participations for each educational tool. You control when a document was uploaded, when it was deleted and by which user. You see the gb of the storage for each class in detail as well as in the aggregate. You have access to all the online distance learning (you can be connected to all at the same time) and there is automatically a digital attendance book with the capability of date filtering so that you are able to see when each user logs in and out.
You can upload your logo to the platform and change it whenever you want, have your own subdomain and your design. You can write the welcome message you wish to appear on the classes as well as your own pdf digital board with you logo that will appear on each class. You acquire your own educational digital platform with your business name and you can capitalize on all the educational tools and all the capabilities of the platform as Marketing tools for your business, thus showing to your clients what differentiates you from the others and what they will gain.
You can send bulk mails automatically via the platform to educators and students separately or to all of them, for instance to send wishes. There is the possibility of separate private message to any user.
Perfect eClass Platform is set up on one of the best Data Centers of Europe which is located in England (Rapid Switch dedicated expertise) with a cloud infrastructure and consists of services and a strate-of-the art Web equipment, certified in accordance with ISO standards as well as internationally acclaimed distinctions. There are firewall systems for the protection and security of the platform and an automatic blocking of any malware.


Advantages for the educator
What the educator gains by using eClass Platform.
Creation of lessons for each eclass. You can add the corresponding educational material to each lesson by utilising all the tools of the asynchronous online distance learning. You can upload any documents you want pdf, photos and students homework. Creation of digital content with the use of tools: «Electronic Book» to create an e-Book with the logo of the bussiness, «MULTIMEDIA» to upload sound and video files or a link referring to another website or to YouTube for further knowledge.
You have the possibility to mark each student, give him text feedback and attach their homework corrected. You can also create questions, multiple-choice questions with one of more correct answers, matching exercises, cloze tests, true of false exercises and when the students finished the exercises the answers and the grade appear automatically. Moreover, you can create questionnaires. There is also the capability to reward the students whe they finish a project or an exercise and they have gotten the work you have appointed.
Direct interaction with the students with the use of tools: «announcement», «blog», «chat» and «conversations». Class also operates as social media by deploying the tool «wall» where users post, like and comment.
On the synchronous platform of distant learning, you can use the digital board writing with the use of a pen or a keyboard. What is more, there are the symbols of a cycle, a triangle, a square, a straight line in different colours and sizes. Students can raise their hand to speak up or to write at the chat. There are shared notes where you can write the syllabus of the subject, the homework and students can write at the same time. You can also export download what you have written in pdf automatically. Furthermore, you can mute students, turn off the cameras and lock out any tool you think necessary, even expell a student from a class. You can create a break out room or conduct a poll by using the automatic tools of pollthe platform offers. At a specific field, you can paste any link from YouTube and the video will appear on the digital board. Of course,you have a capability of screen sharing.
Advantages for the student
What the student gains by using the
perfect e-Class Platform
Every face to face lesson they have with the educational organisation (or online lesson) they have it organized in units at their eclass with all educational material, the schedule etc. This gives them the potential to have an easy and quick revision, a fast detection of the educational material, an interactive study (through the «exercises» tool) an easy and fast update for their answers ( or their tests) with their grade and the educator’s comments.
Students can communicated with their educator through the platform with message for questions ( without seeing the educators personal information). There message are received by the owner’s account as well.
Students can easily get updated about the curriculum of the lesson, see the exercises assigned by the educator and upload the answers to be corrected. They get a notification when the educator corrects their exercises and grades them. This way, students can see very easily and fast how the performed on the exercises or the tests, see their grades and their worked exercises. With the aid of the tool « Notifications» they received one on their email for every message from the educator and they can log in and read the message very easily.
Each student in order to log in to the platform has to enter the platform of the business first, seeing its logo and design (something very important as they don’t see something unfamiliar but their educational organisation) and then enter the class they have to attend. They see its educational content and from there (with the tool «Telecooperation» ) they log in automatically to the synchronous distant learning platform where again they see the logo and welcome message of the business. There is the capability to activate the camera, the microphone, recise their hand, write on the digital board and on the shared notes and the chatroom. The student uses a purely educational platform for distant learning making learning more fun and easier with the use of educational tools.


Advantages for the parents
What the parents gains by using the
Perfect e-Class Platform
The parents who commute their children have less expenses and more time for their own obligations. They save a lot of money from byuing printed educational material, since most educational resources are digital and available for their child in the form of an ebook or pdf in every eclass from the educational organisation.
Parents fell it’s safer when the child attends education from home and doesn’t get around alone. Their child uses a purely educational platform of university leven with the name of the private school with security systems which provide maximum security against malware, protecting the digital Devices the child uses.
Parents can be informed online by the answers of the educational organisation about their children’s progress from home on a day and time convenient for them, incase they can’t do so in person.
The tool used to automatically inform the parents of their child’s log in to the eclass for an online lesson or of their attending for face to face lessons in under development. Respectively the parents will be immediately be informed after 5 minutes of their kid not logging in to the eclass or not attending the class in person. The student’s feel is also under development. That’s where the parents will be able to have an overview of their child ( oral progress, participation, tests, grades, etc.)
You can acquire your own design with you logo and your subdomain yourselves

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